May 25, 2011

Movies Based on Books

Write about a book you read which was made into a movie. Which did you like more, the book or the movie? What were some differences? Below is a link of different books that were made into films to help you with this assignment. Complete by Friday.


  1. i read the notebook. it was the best book i've ever read even though i dont read alot of books. the movie was amazing and had really good acting. its my favorite movie. ever

  2. Lord of the Rings had a lot of differences than the movie, but I think that they did a good job in the movies anyway. I liked the movie better.

  3. the outisiders. i like the movie better, im not a heavy reader. books dont interest me, watching the movie really captures the characters personality.

  4. Twilight - I hated the book, I hated the movie. I thought the book was terribly written and the movie was terribly directed. Jacob was not as big in the movie as he was in the book. But still, both were terrible.

  5. When I read the 6th Harry Potter book, i liked the book so much better than when i saw the movie. They didnt put enough of the book into the movie. I felt they couldve made it so much better than it was. The movie had potential but it was kind of a failure in my opinion

  6. A book I read that was made into a movie was The lovely bones. I thought the book was better than the movie. The book went into more detail.

  7. I read all the harry potter books and twilight books and they were all made into movies,but the books were all better. there were lots of differences and the movies were always shorter

  8. I read My Sisters Keeper. Then I saw the movie. Honestly, I liked the book better because it had more detail. I liked the movie a lot too.

  9. A book that I read before it was made into a film were the Twilight Sagas. I loved the books so much more than the movies because I felt like it was actually real. The movie was too acted out.

  10. i have never read a book that has been turned into a movie but i have read the huger games which is suppose to be made into a movie very soon and i believe that based on the book the movie wont be able to as amazing a job as the book because of all the things that go on in it and whats in my head about the book will be different then what is put on screen

  11. A movie that was orriginally a book that i read was the chronicals of narnia, the first one, i liked the movie a lot better than i liked the book although the book was good too.

  12. I read the Percy Jackson series in middle school, and when i heard they were making a movie of it I had my doubts because i knew they would make it approvable for children, rather than stay 100% true to the story. when i saw it I found that i was correct. the book was much better

  13. "It" by Stephen King. I definitly enjoyed the book more then the movie. The director of It the movie, changed the plot up too much and i really didnt appreciate it. I loved the book, but the movvie made the book a lot less scary.
